

More from Day 1 at World of Bluegrass 2021


The 2021 IBMA World of Bluegrass kicked of Tuesday with morning and afternoon seminars that were both live and virtual. The topics ranged from mentorship to sustainability to social media use.

The Keynote Address happens on the first day also. Attendees were welcomed by Raleigh organizers and dignitaries including the mayor.

IBMA board chairman Mike Simpson then welcomed everyone. He then read a board proclamation honoring past executive director Paul Schiminger, and invited Paul to say a few words.

Mike then introduced Dudley Connell as the Keynote Speaker. Dudley touched on both the negative and positive effects of the pandemic on all of the music business – artists, promoters, venues, fans, and radio stations. It was an excellent overview of the health of the industry.

The evening was filled with brief artist showcases. The sets are twenty five minutes long to give everyone a taste of each band. I stayed in one room and watched the various performers. The featured bands were The Henhouse Prowlers, Crandall Creek, The Arcadian Wild, Hillary Klug, Never Come Down, and Liam Purcell and Cane Mill Road. These groups ran the gamut from old time to traditional to progressive. All-in-all a fun evening.

Wednesday is another day of conferences and showcases along with the Momentum Awards luncheon.

Join us for some good fellowship, music, and fun.

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